Special Economic Zones research
A description of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and their role in creating a favorable environment for startups and innovations.
from 79 SEZs in 1975 to 5,400 in 2018 – the exponential growth of Special Economic Zones paints a trajectory.
map and stats
UNCTAD report on Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
There are over 5,400 SEZs in 147 countries as of 2019. Over 500 more are planned.
Developing countries account for 95% of SEZs worldwide. China alone hosts over half of all SEZs.
Zones are estimated to employ directly 90-100 million people worldwide.
SEZ exports account for over 50% of total exports in some developing countries.
In some countries, over 80% of cumulative FDI is in SEZs.
The average economic growth rate of SEZs surveyed was 14.7% over 2007-2012. However, most SEZs grew at below national GDP growth rates.
63% of SEZ laws list quantitative growth objectives like investment, exports and jobs as the goal. Only 27% mention wider development impact.
Almost 80% of laws provide fiscal incentives, 94% allow special customs regimes and 41% have investment facilitation tools.
Environmental and labor regulations are often weaker in SEZs compared to national standards.
Going forward, trends like sustainability, digitalization and changing global value chains will require reorienting and upgrading SEZs.
full report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RxMBzY901siQAIaC6fjD4KO_CP-FFhwi/view
sceptic // World Bank Group // Special Economic Zones An Operational Review of Their Impacts
Summary of Findings:
Literature on SEZs often focuses on successful cases, raising questions about the generalizability of these successes across different contexts.
SEZs are recognized for attracting FDI, boosting new businesses, and enhancing exports, with SEZ-based firms generally outperforming non-SEZ firms.
The impact of SEZs on job creation and regional spillovers is less clear, with success heavily dependent on the broader context and supporting policies.
A new dataset was created for the study, covering 553 zones in 51 countries, with an econometric analysis of 346 zones in 22 countries.
Nightlights data was used as a proxy for economic activity, representing an innovative method, though not without its limitations and controversy.
Key Conclusions:
SEZs typically do not outperform the economic growth of their host countries.
Sustaining economic growth within SEZs over time is challenging, with high-tech-focused zones struggling more than those in labor-intensive sectors.
Larger zones tend to show more growth potential.
The effectiveness of incentive packages and management schemes in SEZ success is limited.
SEZs can influence growth in surrounding areas up to a 50 km radius, beyond which their effect diminishes.
SEZs in poorer areas with proximity to large cities and accessible markets exhibit more economic dynamism.
The role of tax breaks and other incentives in SEZ success is more context-dependent than previously thought.
Policy Implications:
SEZ policies must be aligned with broader structural reforms to enhance development and absorptive capacity within the country/region.
Proximity to markets and the existing economic predisposition are crucial; cost advantages remain a significant factor in attracting firms.
The success of SEZ programs is highly context-dependent, with no one-size-fits-all solution.
Flexibility in choosing the SEZ location significantly increases the likelihood of success.
Recommendations for SEZ Programs:
Implement supporting programs to increase positive spillovers from SEZs.
Use satellite imagery judiciously as a proxy for impact assessment, but not as a substitute for comprehensive analysis.
Impact assessments should be integrated into project designs and financed accordingly to demonstrate the benefits and ensure sustainability.
This summary captures the nuanced understanding of SEZ performance and provides a foundation for discussing the establishment of a Venture Builder Protocol using SEZs. The insights can guide the workshop's focus on how web3 tools might address some of the limitations and enhance the potential of SEZs.
full report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VZ13PgYRoyckVXHA_6RtrKJugSSjCUc3/view